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Oooooops! November 27, 2005

Posted by noshoes in Photo Shoot, Wisdom?.

Today I placed the camera atop the tripod with flash attached and turned to retrieve a second remote flash. Count to three and crash I spin around to see the tripod laying flat against the tile floor with the tripod mount and the a section of the lower housing of the camera firmly attached minus the rest of the camera.

I slowly pick up the pieces and find that the lens, the flash, and the camera all still function. It is hard to believe but I am pleased I can continue with the shoot. I must say I am more surprised that I am not overwhelmed with grief and anger.

Every tragedy in this life, big or small fades in significance when seen in the light of an eternity in heaven. Thirty years and by the grace of God I am finally beginning to rest in the truth that the kingdom of heaven is my home and the ravages of sin on this world and on my person are as trivial as they are temporary. The camera body is battered and broken but it was inevitable. My body will experience the same in due time and God my father will be sufficient to see me through. It is obedience to His will for my life that I desire. Let my failings and disappointments be accepted with the grace and faith that Jesus accepted the scorn and rejection of His beloved creation even unto death on a cross.

If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. Colossians 3 : 1-3


Being dead is such a liberating way to live!


1. Mrs. Fun - December 6, 2005

not the camera! oh no! I am s sorry that happened 😦

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